James Goodrich
I am an Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Philosophy at the UW - Madison. Most of my research and teaching is in moral theory (e.g. rights, responsibility, justice, and consequentialism), but I also work at the intersection of political philosophy and economics, especially on markets, property rights, and the relationships between them. Click here for my C.V. or email me at jpgoodrich - 'at' - WISC - 'dot' - edu |
Books (Edited)
(2022) Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, Oxford: OUP, w/ Tim Campbell, Jeff McMahan, and Ketan Ramakrishnan
(2021) Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, Oxford: OUP, w/ Tim Campbell, Jeff McMahan, and Ketan Ramakrishnan
Peer Reviewed
(2023) "In Defense of Moderation: Culpable Ignorance and the Structure of Exculpation," Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (2) 227-250
(2016) "Mereological Dominance and the Logic of Better-than," Utilitas 28 (4): 361-367
(In Preparation) An Article on Defensive Harm w/Jonathan Parry for P. Rawling (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Deontology, OUP.
(2024) "No Work for a Theory of Permitting Reasons: Critical Notice of Theron Pummer's The Rules of Rescue," Analysis
(2021) "Separating Persons" in Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit
(2021) "Do We Own Our Data?: The Finders-Keepers Ethics of the Cyber Commons" in P. Aligica, G. Choi, and V. Storr (eds.), Culture, Sociality and Morality: New Applications of Mainline Political Economy, Rowman & Littlefield
(2024) Review of "Dialogues on Gun Control" by David DeGrazia, Criminal Law and Philosophy
(2024) "Save the 1,001 Cats!: Lecture as Performance Art" in B. Welch (ed.), The Art of Teaching Philosophy, Bloomsbury
(2023) "William Thompson" for the Utilitarian Thinkers Series @ Utilitarianism.net
(2021) Review of "Why Free Will is Real" by Christian List, Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (3): 327-329
(2019) "Parfit, Derek" w/ Larry Temkin in Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell
(2022) Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, Oxford: OUP, w/ Tim Campbell, Jeff McMahan, and Ketan Ramakrishnan
(2021) Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, Oxford: OUP, w/ Tim Campbell, Jeff McMahan, and Ketan Ramakrishnan
Peer Reviewed
(2023) "In Defense of Moderation: Culpable Ignorance and the Structure of Exculpation," Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (2) 227-250
(2016) "Mereological Dominance and the Logic of Better-than," Utilitas 28 (4): 361-367
(In Preparation) An Article on Defensive Harm w/Jonathan Parry for P. Rawling (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Deontology, OUP.
(2024) "No Work for a Theory of Permitting Reasons: Critical Notice of Theron Pummer's The Rules of Rescue," Analysis
(2021) "Separating Persons" in Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit
(2021) "Do We Own Our Data?: The Finders-Keepers Ethics of the Cyber Commons" in P. Aligica, G. Choi, and V. Storr (eds.), Culture, Sociality and Morality: New Applications of Mainline Political Economy, Rowman & Littlefield
(2024) Review of "Dialogues on Gun Control" by David DeGrazia, Criminal Law and Philosophy
(2024) "Save the 1,001 Cats!: Lecture as Performance Art" in B. Welch (ed.), The Art of Teaching Philosophy, Bloomsbury
(2023) "William Thompson" for the Utilitarian Thinkers Series @ Utilitarianism.net
(2021) Review of "Why Free Will is Real" by Christian List, Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (3): 327-329
(2019) "Parfit, Derek" w/ Larry Temkin in Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell